Scenario Based Quiz - Claim paid

1. If the claim is paid through a check on the correct address and the check is not encashed and paid date has crossed 45 days then what will be your next question?

2. If the claim is paid through a check on the correct address and the check is not encashed and paid date has crossed 45 days and the rep agrees to run the check tracer to get the status of the check then what will be your next question?

3. If the claim is paid through a check on the correct address and check is not encashed and paid date has not crossed 45 days then what will be your next questions?

4. If the claim is paid through a check on an incorrect address then what will be your next question?

5. If the claim is paid through a check on an incorrect address and the rep denies to reissue a new check then what will be your next questions?

6. If the claim is paid through EFT or Credit Card and the payment is not cleared and paid date has crossed 7 days then what will be your next question?

7. If the claim is paid through EFT or Credit Card and the payment is cleared and you receive the EOB then what will be your action?

8. If the claim is paid through EFT or Credit Card and the payment is cleared but you do not receive the EOB then what will be your action?

9. If the claim is paid through a check on an incorrect address and the rep denies to reissue a new check as the correct address is not available and the W9 form is available to you then what will be your action?

10. If the claim is paid through a check on an incorrect address and the rep denies to reissue a new check as the correct address is not available and the W9 form is not available then what will be your action?



  1. plz ask the question in different way

    1. We are trying to make it consistent with the available scenario. However, it would be helpful if you could share an example, based on which we can take the decision.

  2. Helpful.. Thank you
