What is Rejection? & How to work on Rejections?


  • Rejected claims are those that never entered into the insurance processing system for processing and such claims get rejected through PMS (Software) or Clearinghouse. 
  • A Claim needs to be passed successfully through software, provider clearing house & insurance clearing house to enter into the insurance processing system. If a claim fails to pass any of these 3 systems then we get a rejection. 
  • There are 3 types of rejections:
    • Rejected by PMS (Software) - These claims do not go out of the software since they get rejected by PMS only.
    • Rejected by Provider Clearing House - These claims are successfully passed through software but rejected by the provider clearing house.
    • Rejected by Insurance Clearing House - These claims are successfully passed through software and provider clearing house but rejected by the insurance clearing house.

Below are a few most common rejections with resolution steps:

1) Policy ID invalid / Patient or Subscriber not identified: 
  • These rejections generally occur due to 2 reasons,
    • When a claim is billed with an incorrect policy ID
    • When a claim is billed to an incorrect payer ID

    I) When a claim is billed with an incorrect policy ID:

  • In the clearing house, there is already a policy ID format set up related to an insurance company that needs to be followed when billing claims.
  • For Example - The format for the policy ID of UHC is 9 digits number, so if the claim is billed with 10 digits number then it gets rejected for invalid policy ID format.
  • Resolution: You can utilize the payer website to find out the correct policy ID and resubmit the claim with the correct policy ID.
  • If the website access is not available then you can check the insurance history or payment history to find out the correct policy ID.
  • If you are unable to find the correct policy ID then check your insurance history for another active primary insurance.
  • If you are able to find another insurance then check the eligibility and resubmit the claim to the new insurance if it is active.
  • If another insurance is not active on DOS then release the claim to the patient. (Follow your client update before releasing the claim to the patient)
  • Below is the list with the correct policy ID format of payers that will be helpful to identify the correct policy ID,


Policy ID Format

Policy ID Examples


10 digits number



11 digits number



10 digits alphanumeric characters (1st character always a letter "W")


Aetna Medicare

8 digits alphanumeric characters


Affinity Health Plan

11 digits number


All Saver

9 digits alphanumeric characters (1st character always a letter "C")



9 digits number



11 digits alphanumeric characters (1st character always a letter "A")


Bankers Fidelity Life OR Bankers Life & Casualty

10 digits number



12 digits alphanumeric characters (1st 3 characters are always letters)



14 digits alphanumeric characters (1st 3 characters are always letters)



9 digits alphanumeric characters (1st character always a letter "R")



9 digits alphanumeric characters (1st character always a letter "U")


Colonial Life

9 digits number


Emblem Health

9 digits alphanumeric characters (1st character always a letter "K")


Fidelis Care

11 digits alphanumeric characters (1st digit always a letter "7")


Fox Everett

9 digits alphanumeric characters (1st 2 characters are always letters "FE")


Freedom Health

11 digits alphanumeric characters (1st character always a letter "P")



8 digits number



9 digits number


Golder Rule

9 digits number



9 digits alphanumeric characters (1st character always a letter "H")


Mail Handlers Benefit Plan

11 digits number


Medicaid AK

10 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid AL

13 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid AR

10 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid AZ

9 characters in length, containing both letters and numbers. 1st character is always a letter (compulsory "A").


Medicaid CA

It has 2 formats, I - 14 characters in length, and contains both letters and numbers. The 9th character is always a letter. II - 9 characters in length, containing both letters and numbers. The 9th character is always a letter.

12345678A01234 OR 12345678A

Medicaid CO

7 characters in length, containing both letters and numbers. 1st character is always a letter.


Medicaid DC

8 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid FL

10 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid GA

12 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid HI

10 characters in length, containing both letters and numbers. 2nd character is always a letter.


Medicaid ID

10 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid IL

9 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid IN

12 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid KY

10 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid LA

13 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid MA

12 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid MD

11 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid MI

10 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid MN

8 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid MS

9 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid NC

10 characters in length, containing both letters and numbers. The 10th character is always a letter.


Medicaid NH

10 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid NJ

12 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid NM

14 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid NV

11 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid NY

8 characters in length, containing both letters and numbers. 1st, 2nd, and 8th characters are always letters.


Medicaid OH

12 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid OR

8 characters in length, containing both letters and numbers. 1st, 2nd, 6th and 8th characters are always letters.


Medicaid PA

10 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid TX

9 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid UT

10 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid VA

12 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid WA

11 characters in length, containing both letters and numbers. 10th and 11th characters are always letters (compulsory "WA").


Medicaid WV

11 characters in length, containing only numbers


Medicaid WY

10 characters in length, containing only numbers



11 digits alphanumeric characters ((1st, 4th, 7th, 10th & 11th characters are always numbers) (2nd, 5th, 8th & 9th characters are always letters) & (3rd & 6th characters are either numbers or letters))

1AB2CD3EF34 OR 1A23B45CD67 OR 1A23CD4EF56 OR 1AB2C34EF56

Meritain Health

10 digits number


Optimum Health

11 digits alphanumeric characters (1st character always a letter "T")



10 digits number



9 digits number



8 digits number OR 9 digits alphanumeric characters (1st character always a letter "Y")

123456789 OR Y12345678

    II) When a claim is billed to an incorrect payer ID:    

  • When a claim is billed to an incorrect payer ID then also we get this rejection.
  • For example, UHC payer ID is 87726 and the claim was billed to payer ID 95226.
  • Resolution: You can find out the correct payer ID and resubmit the claim.

  • On the below link, you will get the list of payers with their payer ID that will be helpful for correct submission,

2) Subscriber Name or DOB invalid:

  • This rejection occurs when a patient does not have an active policy on DOS. 
  • Resolution: You can utilize the payer website to find out the correct name or DOB and resubmit the claim with the correct information.
  • If the website access is not available then you can check the insurance history or payment history to find out the correct Name or DOB.
  • If you are unable to find the correct information then check your insurance history for another active primary insurance.
  • If you are able to find another insurance then check the eligibility and resubmit the claim to the new insurance if it is active.
  • If another insurance is not active on DOS then release the claim to the patient. (Follow your client update before releasing the claim to the patient)

3) Patient not eligible on Date of Service:

  • This rejection occurs when a patient does not have an active policy on DOS. 
  • Resolution: You can check patient eligibility to verify whether this is a correct rejection or not. If it is not a correct rejection and the patient is active on DOS then you need to verify that the patient demographic information (Patient name, DOB, policy ID) is correct or not. If all the information is correct then simply resubmit the claim. If you find that any particular information is not correct then make the correction and resubmit the claim.
  • If the patient is not active on DOS then you can check the insurance history to find out another active insurance.
  • If you are able to find another insurance then check the eligibility and resubmit the claim to the new insurance if it is active. If another insurance is not active on DOS then release the claim to the patient. (Follow your client update before releasing the claim to the patient)
  • If you are not able to find any other active insurance then you can release the claim to the patient. (Follow your client update before releasing the claim to the patient)

4) Payer address invalid or incomplete:

  • This rejection occurs when a claim is billed to insurance at an incorrect address. OR sometimes patient provides insurance information that is outside of the US.
  • Resolution: You can try to find out the correct address of the insurance if it belongs to the US and resubmit the claim.
  • If the insurance address is outside of the US then you can check the insurance history for another active insurance.
  • If you are able to find another insurance then check the eligibility and resubmit the claim to the new insurance if it is active.
  • If another insurance is not active on DOS then release the claim to the patient. (Follow your client update before releasing the claim to the patient)

5) Patient/Subscriber zip code is invalid:

  • This rejection occurs when the patient's zip code is missing or invalid.
  • Resolution:
    • You can search on google with the patient's address to find out the correct zip code.
    • You can check patient eligibility on the payer website to find out the correct zip code.
    • You can utilize below USPS website to find out the correct zip code. You can find out the correct zip code by street address or city & state.
  • https://tools.usps.com/zip-code-lookup.htm

  • Once you get the correct zip code then update it and resubmit the claim.

6) Accident type is invalid:

  • This rejection occurs when a claim is billed to Auto or Worker Compensation but the appropriate box is not checked on the claim form. 
  • On the CMS1500 form, in box# 10 an appropriate box needs to be ticked when billing to Auto or Worker Compensation insurance.

  • Resolution: You can tick the correct box through the software and clearing house and resubmit the claim.



  1. How to deal with claim rejections stating exceeds medicare timely filing limit or any other insurance TFL?

    1. If the denial or rejection for TFL expired is received from Original Medicare and the TFL of 365 days is expired then such claims won't get paid even if you have the POTF. Medicare does not pay any claims that are received after 365 days from DOS. It needs to be written off.

      For other insurance, if you get the rejection of TFL exceeds then you can check if you have POTF or not. If it is available then there must be an option to attach the POTF in your clearinghouse. If there is no POTF and the claim is rejected correctly then it needs to be written off.

      If this rejection or denial is received from the payer then sometimes there is an option to send an appeal after providing a specific delay reason on the appeal form and some insurances do accept and pay the claim. You can also try this to get the payment.

  2. How to work on The Rendering provider NPI is not affiliated with the submitting Group/Clinic rejection?
