There are two types of claim forms for payment reimbursement: 

1. CMS 1500 - CMS 1500 claim form is a medical claim form used by individual doctors & practices, nurses, and professionals including therapists, chiropractors, and outpatient clinics. It contains 33 boxes.

2. UB 04 - UB 04 claim form also known as CMS 1450 is used by hospitals, nursing facilities, and inpatient and other facility providers. It contains 81 Locators. 

Below are the details of each box of CMS 1500:

Box#    Requirement     Description
  1           Optional           Insurance Type
  1a         Required          Insured's ID Number
  2           Required          Patient's Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
  3           Required          Patient's Birth Date & Sex
  4         If Applicable       Insured's Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
  5           Required          Patient's Address & Telephone
  6         If Applicable       Patient Relationship to Insured
  7        Not Required       Insured's Address & Telephone
  8        Not Required       Reserved for NUCC Use - Unused Field
  9        Not Required       Other Insured's Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
 9a       Not Required       Other Insured's Policy OR Group Number
 9b       Not Required       Reserved for NUCC Use - Unused Field
 9c       Not Required       Reserved for NUCC Use - Unused Field
 9d       Not Required       Insurance Plan OR Program Name
 10       Not Required       Is Patient's Condition Related To:
                                a. Employment? (Current or Previous)
                                b. Auto Accident?
                                c. Other Accident?
10d      Not Required       Claim Codes (Designated by NUCC) - It is used to identify additional
                                     information about the patient's condition or the claim. When required
                                     by payer, enter the condition code in the field.
 11       Not Required       Insured's Policy Group OR FECA Number
11a      Not Required       Insured's Date of Birth & Sex
11b      Not Required       Claim ID (Designated by NUCC) - This box is entered with workers
                                     compensation claim number.
11c       If Applicable       Insurance Plan Name OR Program Name
11d        Required           Is There Another Health Benefit Plan?
 12       Not Required       Signature & Date
 13       Not Required       Insured's or Authorized Person's Signature
 14         Required           Date of Current Illness, Injury or Pregnancy (LMP)
 15       Not Required       Other Date
 16       Not Required       Dates Patient Unable to Work in Current Occupation
 17       If Applicable        Name of Referring Provider
17a      If Applicable        ID Number of Referring Provider
17b.     If Applicable        Referring Physician NPI#
 18       If Applicable        Hospitalization Dates Related to Current Services
 19       If Applicable        Additional Claim Information (Designated by NUCC)
 20       If Applicable        Outside Lab? With $ amount
 21         Required           Diagnosis Code OR Nature of Illness OR Injury Relate A-L to service
                                     line below (24E)
 22       Not Required       Resubmission Code - It is used to send corrected claim with
                                     appropriate frequency code and claim number
 23       If Applicable        Prior Authorization Number / Referral Number
24a         Required          Date(s) of Service
24b         Required          Place of Service
24c         Required          Emergency Indicator It is used to indicate emergency services.
24d         Required          Procedures, Services, OR Supplies - CPT & Modifier
24e         Required          Diagnosis Pointer
24f          Required          Charge Amount
24g         Required          Days OR Units
24h      If Applicable        EPSDT Family Plan - It is used to indicate family planning services.
24i       If Applicable        ID Qualifier - It is used to indicate qualifier for the ID listed in box 24j.
24j       If Applicable        Rendering Provider ID#/NPI
 25          Required          Federal Tax ID Number
 26          Optional           Patient's Account No.
 27       Not Required       Accept Assignment? - It is used to indicate that the provider agrees to
                                     accept assignment under the terms of the payer's program.
 28          Required          Total Charge
 29       If Applicable        Amount Paid
 30       If Applicable        Reserved for NUCC Use - Unused Field
 31          Required          Signature of Physician and Date
 32          Required          Service Facility Location Information
32a         Required          Service Facility Location's NPI
32b      If Applicable        Service Facility Location's Provider ID
 33          Required          Billing Provider Information & Phone#
33a         Required          Billing Provider NPI#
33b         Required          Billing Provider ID/Taxonomy



  1. Where do we enter refferal number

    1. In box# 23 and thanks for your response, we have updated the above post.

  2. Hello Team,
    Please post some interview questions for physician & Hospital billing to gain some more information other than denial most of the interviewers will ask small details.

    1. Sure, we will create a post on interview questions.

  3. Dipanjan Dasgupta17 October 2023 at 06:09

    Hello! I am billing Anesthesia and BCBS reps are saying that Service facility NPI in box 32 needs to be enrolled with the tax id of the billing provider in box 25..this is the first time I am hearing something like this, could anyone validate?

    1. This is a credentialing denial. You can go through the below post to get some idea about the credentialing process.

      In addition to that, you need to understand that a claim is always getting billed under billing provider information. You can find the billing provider's name and address in Box# 33, NPI in Box # 33a & Tax ID in Box # 25 on the CMS1500 form.

      So, all the entities who are working for billing providers such as rendering providers, referring providers, and service facilities need to be enrolled with billing providers. If they are not enrolled then will get the credentialing denial.

  4. Hi could you Please change 24G as DAYS or UNITS , It is listed as DAYS OF UNITS

    1. Thank you for pointing this out. It has been corrected.
