B7: This provider was not certified/eligible to be paid for this procedure/service on this date of service

On Call Scenario:

                                           Claim denied as This provider was not 
                                              certified/eligible to be paid for this
                                          procedure/service on this date of service
                                                     May I get the denial date?
                                                     What is the exact issue?
                                          ↙                          ↓                        ↘
         The rendering provider      The referring provider       The procedure code is inconsistent
        is not eligible to perform       is not eligible to refer           with the provider type/specialty
              the service billed                  the service billed                 or taxonomy code is invalid
                           ↓                                          ↓                                                      
                  Click Here                           Click Here                                     Click Here

Important Note:

  • Click on the link to follow a specific scenario.

1 comment:

  1. In this Denial of B-7 , there can be issue of contract / Credential termination. Pls add this too.
