Scenario Based Quiz - Coverage terminated

1. If the claim with date of service - 05/01/2023 is billed to insurance and the patient's policy was effective from 05/15/2022 and is still active then will the claim be denied for coverage terminated?

2. If the claim with date of service - 03/01/2023 is billed to insurance and the patient's policy was effective from 02/15/2022 and termed on 12/01/2022 then will the claim be denied for coverage terminated?

3. If you receive the status on call as the claim is denied for coverage terminated then what will be your first valid question?

4. If you receive the status on call as the claim is denied for coverage terminated and the DOS lies between the policy effective and termed date then what will be your next questions?

5. If you receive the status on call as the claim is denied for coverage terminated and the DOS does not lie between the policy effective and termed date then what will be your next question?

6. If you receive the status on call as the claim is denied for coverage terminated and the DOS does not lie between the policy effective and termed date and there is another policy active on DOS then what will be your next question?

7. If the claim is denied for coverage terminated incorrectly and the rep sends the claim back for reprocessing then what will be your action?

8. If the claim is denied for coverage terminated and the rep provided the policy details of another policy which is active on DOS then what will be your action?

9. If the claim is denied for coverage terminated correctly and there is no other active policy and insurance on DOS then what will be your action?

10. If the claim is denied for coverage terminated correctly and there is another insurance available in the system then what will be your action?



  1. i scored 9 out of 10 yaaahh

  2. I answered question number 4 correctly but still showing incorrect answer.

    1. Thanks for highlighting this. We have made the correction in the options.
