227: Information requested from the patient/insured/responsible party was not provided or was insufficient/incomplete

Denial Occurrences:
  • This denial occurs when any information is requested from the patient such as COB or others.
  • When information is requested from a patient, a letter is sent to the patient and it may take time to get the update from the patient. So, we should at least allow 15-30 days from the date when the letter is sent before releasing it to the patient.
  • COB: It stands for Coordination of Benefit and it helps to determine which insurance is primary, secondary, or tertiary.

On Call Scenario:

                                                   Claim denied/pending as additional
                                                    information requested from patient
                                                      When did you receive this claim?
                                                           May I get the denial date? 
                                                                (If claim is denied)
                                         What information have you requested from patient?
                                            ↙                                                                      ↘
          Patient needs to update COB information                               Other Reasons
                                           ↓                                                                          ↓
                     Have you sent letter to patient?                          Have you sent letter to patient?
                        ↙                                  ↘                                      ↙                                   ↘
                    Yes                                   No                                 Yes                                   No
                      ↓                                      ↓                                    ↓                                       ↓
           When did you            When did patient last          When did you                  May I get the
           sent the letter?              update the COB                sent the letter?            claim# and Call ref#?
                      ↓                           information?                            ↓
        Have you received                       ↓                        Have you received
        any response from             May I get the               any response from
                 patient?               claim# and Call ref#?                patient?
            ↙                   ↘                                                     ↙                  ↘
         Yes                     No                                             Yes                     No
           ↓                           ↘                                             ↓                            ↘
     Could you             When did patient                   Could you                May I get the
 please reprocess          last update the                  please reprocess     claim# and Call ref#?
      the claim?            COB information?                 the claim?
           ↓                                   ↓                                      ↓
What is the TAT            May I get the                 What is the TAT
for reprocessing?     claim# and Call ref#?         for reprocessing?
  May I get the                                                       May I get the
claim# and Call                                                    claim# and Call
        ref#?                                                                     ref#?

Important Notes & Actions:
  • Please take action as per your process update. Below actions can be different from your process update.
  • If the COB/Other information is requested from the patient and the letter has already been sent and the response has also been received from the patient and the rep agrees to reprocess the claim then set the follow-up for the TAT provided by the rep.
  • If the COB/Other information is requested from the patient and the letter has already been sent but the response has not been received from the patient then the claim can be released to the patient.
  • If the date when the letter was sent to the patient has not crossed 30 days then do not bill the claim to the patient. At least provide 30 days for the patient to update the information and once 30 days are crossed then bill the claim to the patient. But, always follow your client's instructions.
  • If the COB/Other information is requested from the patient and the letter is not sent then the claim can be released to the patient.
  • When the claim is denied or pending for COB updation then you can check the patient's payment history if the payment on nearby DOS was received from any other insurance as primary insurance then check the eligibility of that insurance and bill the claim to that insurance if the policy is active on DOS as primary.
  • Click here to go to Quiz


  1. very useful thanks for this content

  2. Thank you for the response.

  3. Thank You so much it is helping me!!

  4. if i get a rejection for reason 227 do i have to do anything or is it the patient that has to correct it?

    1. You can check insurance eligibility if the claim is billed to the correct primary insurance or not.

      Sometimes, this rejection occurs because the claim is billed to incorrect insurance as primary.

  5. Were can I get more details ABT these I am fresher and I am lack in these could u pls help me

    1. We have added more details in the above post. Hopefully, it will be helpful for you. Please let us know if you have any questions.

    2. Claim got denied with reason pr 227 and remark code is "Missing/Incomplete/Invalid questionnaire needed to complete payment determination" can you please help me with that ?

    3. There are below 2 possibilities that you can follow based on your process update. In general, it will be good to follow the second option as it provides more clarity and can prevent delays in claim processing.

      1. You can directly release the claim to process.
      2. Call the insurance and confirm the requested information or document. If the information or document is available to you then you can send it to insurance or else release the claim to the patient.
